Roy Jr
January 2025
Our Foods classes have been learning about manners. They had the opportunity to practice what they have been learning on a field trip to the Timbermine.
Box With A Cop
Starting in January SRO Frawley started an outreach program called "Box With A Copy". He works with students on boxing fundamentals and conditioning. The first week was a hit and the students loved it. We feel so lucky to have such an amazing SRO.
Boys Basketball
Congrats to the boys on making the team! Our boys have been working and playing hard.
December 2024
Congratulations to Ashlyn Green and Brooklyn Sedgwick on receiving the "Outstanding Citizen Award". They presented the award by Officer Frawley during our talent show assembly.
NAL presented their District Championship trophy to the student body.
One of our best assemblies of the school year. We love seeing all of our students amazing talents!
We held a Winter Dance to help raise money for Cents for Santa. The dance was a hit!
Cents for Santa Fundraiser
We held a fundraiser throughout the month of December. During lunches we collected coins, sold hot chocolate, and candy grahams to help families in need.
Congratulation to our NAL team on their district championship win! Way to go Razorbacks!
Visit from the Grinch
We had a special visitor during lunches!
No Tardy Party
During the week of December 9th-13th students were able to earn "Jingle"Bucks every time they were on time for class. They could then purchase a ticket to a "No Tardy Party".
November 2024
Underground Spirit Week
The week before Thanksgiving we held an underground spirit week. Students were not told and each day the staff did something different. Thursday we clued the kids in and invited them to participate on Friday. It was so much fun!
Monday: Black Out! Wear all black.
Tuesday: Favorite Holiday! Wear something that represents your favorite holiday.
Wednesday: Anything but a water bottle. Instead of drinking from a water bottle for the day, bring something random to use.
Thursday: Flannel Day. Everyone wear flannel.
Friday: Staff dress as students and students dress like staff. Trivia game during lunch for students to guess facts about teachers.
All the staff with their "water bottles".
Staff dresses like students and students dress like staff.
Welcome Melinda Stimpson
We are so excited to welcome Melinda Stimpson as the newest Razorback and our new principal!
Veterans Day Assembly
One of our best assemblies of the year is our Veterans Day assembly. Each year we honor our staff and family members of our students and staff who have served and continue to serve our country.
National Academic League
Our NAL team has been hard at work and has been having an amazing season so far.
Our volleyball team has been having a great season so far! Teachers and staffed joined in on a practice where they did drills and scrimmaged against the team.
October 2024
A little Halloween fun during Red Ribbon week. Working hard on "Scaring" away those drugs. Also during that week LIA hosted a stomp.
During our Red Ribbon week assembly students and staff put on googles that mimic being impaired and had to do an obstacle course.
Our cheerleaders and Latinos In Action both performed dances during lunches that week.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15th to October 15th. Some of our Spanish Immersion students tie-dyed shirts in the colors of Spanish Speaking countries. Our Latinos In Action have been doing activities at lunch all month to celebrate as well.
Our LIA students had the opportunity to take a field trip up to Hill Air Force Base. It was an amazing experience for them and learned a lot.
Roy Jr. High Presents...
Dracula was a huge success!! The cast and crew did an amazing job and it was so fun to watch. They are a very talented group of kids.
September 2024
Boat Races
9th graders in Mr. Kidd and Mrs. Harrison's math classes designed and built their own boats. They then took their boats to the water to race them against one another.
Author Visit
We had the wonderful opportunity to welcome Auther J. Scott Savage. During 4th period students were able to lcome listen and learn from him.
Talk like a Pirate Day
More boat races, but these ones were a little different. During lunches students were able to participate in boat races for "Talk like a Pirate day".
HOPE Squad
Our HOPE Squad got to participate in a training and have been working hard on HOPE Week.
MONDAY: HOLD ON to your Hat.
TUESDAY: Twin Day. Dress like your bestie!
WEDNESDAY: Wear Red, show your Razor Pride and HOPE Fair.
THURSDAY: Jers-day Thursday! Wear your favorite team jersey.
FRIDAY: EMPOWER yourself and wear a superhero shirt.
The softball team is working hard and continue to improve each game.
2024-2025 Cheerleaders
Our cheerleaders have already been busy with parades, the opening assembly, and cheering on our softball team.
Getting ready for Dracula. Our students and staff have been working hard in getting ready to perform. During lunch we introduced the cast and crew.
August 2024
Welcome Back!
Every year on the first day of school our student government and cheerleaders greet the students as they arrive. Helping them get excited for another great year!
Opening Assembly
Our annual opening assembly is always a lot of. Our choir and band preform. We have the swearing in of our 7th grade officers and some fun obstacle courses.
Student Government, HOPE Squad, and our cheerleaders participated in the Roy Days and Hooper Tomato Days Parades.