
2024-25 School Year Registration

Welcome to Weber School District! We are excited you are interested in attending school in Weber and look forward to meeting you.

There are 4 steps to registering in Weber for the current school year.

Step 1: Complete Pre-registration. Simply fill out the online Pre-registration Form or visit your boundary school to request a paper copy. Once completed, the school will contact you at the provided email address to arrange for an in-person registration and orientation. 

Step 2: Gather Required Entrance Documents.

The following documents are required and must be submitted to the school. A child can not start school until these documents are submitted. Many parents find it convenient to bring these documents to the in-person Orientation session mentioned in Step 3.

Step 3: Attend In-person Registration and Orientation. The school will contact you via email using the email provided in the Pre-registration form to arrange an in-person meeting time at the school. During this time you will meet with a school official regarding registration and submit all of the required documents.

Step 4: Complete the final Registration process in PowerSchool. After steps 1 through 3 have been completed you will receive an email with instructions on how to create a PowerSchool account. You will then complete the final registration documents within this platform. Paper copies of these documents may be requested at the school.