Mrs. Christensen

5th Grade

Class overview

Welcome to the Weber Online 5th Grade class homepage! In this class, we will learn new and exciting things in Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and other areas. We are also Leader in Me school, we will learn and incorporate, into our daily lives, the 7 Habits of Effective Leaders. This is a place to try your best, whatever that looks like today! Mistakes happen and are encouraged as long as we learn from them.

Class Mission Statement

We, the students of Mrs. C's class will always work as a team. We will be respectful to ourselves and to others. We will show kindness to everybody. We are active problem solvers. And we will always value each other as we learn together.

Class Goals

Language Arts Goal: Of All 5th-grade students, 90% will increase their score on the Acadience Retell Assessment by at least 10 points or reach proficiency (36 words) by the end of the academic year, May 26, 2023.

Math Goal: Of all 5th-grade students, 90% will be fluent in all single-digit multiplication and division facts within 3 seconds, using the XtraMath program assessments by May 26, 2023.

Student Trackers 22-23
