Rental Info

Renting an instrument is the best and easiest way to get your student an instrument for band. Some parents elect to purchase an instrument outright. Whichever way parents choose to acquire an instrument, we highly recommend the purchase or rental of reputable brands of instruments. This is the best way to ensure your student will have a quality instrument on which to learn and will also ensure that it will be reliable and can be repaired if need be. The retailers listed below are local music stores that our directors works with on a day to day basis. They know quality instruments and only carry instruments that are going to work well for students.

We strongly encourage parents to stay away from purchasing instruments from general merchandise stores. These instruments might be cheaper, but you get what you pay for. Often they play out of tune, are harder for kids to get a good sound on and are prone to breaking. Most instrument repair shops are unable to repair generic instruments as replacement parts are not available.

Sometimes parents already have instruments in their possession that they played on or have been passed down from other relatives or friends. These can be great options if they are good quality instruments and might just need a little bit of work to get back into playing condition. The retailers below both offer in-house repair facilities and can check out older instruments to make sure they are ready to go for your student in the fall.

If you have a question about brands, models or the purchase of a specific instrument, your band director can help you! Check out the “Director” page to get the contact info for your child’s future director. We are happy to help guide our new band parents in their instrument purchase decision.

Questions you should ask when renting an instrument…

How many months can I rent the instrument?

What’s the monthly rental fee?

What are the maximum months allowable credited toward the purchase of the instrument?

WIs insurance included in the monthly rental price?

What is covered by insurance? What are my liabilities?

WIs the instrument new, rental return, or reconditioned?

What accessories are provided with the instrument? (reeds, tuning slide grease, valve oil, cork grease, swab, etc.)

What kind of guarantee does the instrument have?

If the band directors feel that my child would be better suited for another instrument, can I “trade” instruments? If so, how much rental credit would go toward a different instrument?

Do you have representatives that make regular visits to each school to provide service?

Check out the links below to get to the rental page of our preferred vendors.