Welcome to Band in Worthington!

 Kilbourne MS 6th Grade Band!

The band program in Worthington is one of our district’s most exciting and vibrant opportunities for students to learn and grow. Beginning band instruction in Worthington is a rewarding experience that provides many opportunities for your student inside and outside of the classroom. This webpage provides everything you need to know about our program, what instruments your students can play as they move into 6th grade and how to register for 6th Grade Band in the fall. Meet Mr. Alexis, and learn how to join!

Ryan Alexis- Band Director


All About 6th Grade Band!

What should I play?

Picking an instrument is an important decision.  Check out this video about the different band instruments. I know we have one just for YOU!

What if I'm unsure about joining band? Sign up on the Interest form below for a fitting! This does NOT mean you have to join band, but gives you an opportunity to try out an instrument before you decide! 

Instrument Demo Video! Watch to hear all of the instruments!

How do I register?

Click on this link to try out some instruments with Mr.A! 



Once you've had your Band Fitting and decided what to play, you will need to get an instrument. Click the “Instruments” tab for information about each instrument, supplies needed and where you can purchase  or rent before band starts in the fall.

More Information about the band!

When will band start?

Band will start in the fall at KMS!!! It's a class during the school day, and students will NOT miss any academic class to participate in this! 

Students never have to come early, or stay late to be in band!

Can I do band and sports?

Absolutely! Band meets during the school day, so it doesn’t conflict with after school practices or activities.

Why Band?? AND FAQ!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can students be in both band and orchestra? Yes! We love having students in the band that are also in the orchestra! Being in both groups will actually help make the student better at both instruments! Students can be in both groups from 6th-12th grade in Worthington!


Can students participate in band if they play sports? Yes! Band is a class during our school day, and will never conflict with a sport. I have tons of baseball, swimming, football, basketball, field hockey, and everything else athletes in my classes! I love having athletes, as many understand that dedication, and practice help make success.

What if my son or daughter can't read music? We start from square one in band class. Students will learn how to make sound, as well as read music in band class!

What should students do if they are unsure about joining band? Students should try out the band fitting. Having a fitting does NOT mean you have to join, rather it means a student can have the opportunity to try an instrument to see if it might be something they enjoy! They will never know, until they try!