Western Springs College
Ngā Puna o Waiōrea
12 Drama presents


By Ben Kuffuor

Tēnā koutou whānau!

"Generations to come will view this as the moment that the curse of ageing was removed and the world was able to look to tomorrow without the fear of a failing mind or body."

In a not too distant future, Temples pharmaceutical corporation has quite literally changed the face of ageing. Their miracle drug keeps its users looking perpetually teenage. With an ever youthful population, how can society support those who are genuinely young? Commissioned by The National Theatre (UK) Ageless by Ben Kuffuor is part of an exciting array of new plays created specifically by young people for young people.

Date: Tuesday 2nd August and Wednesday 3rd August

Time: 4pm and again at 6pm

Where: TAPAC Main Theatre

Tickets available by koha on the door. Limited seats available. First in first served.

Masks to be worn indoors at all times.

Check out the Digital Programme on the tab above.