WSC NPoW NASA Science Trip 2020

This site describes the Sciences trip for 2018 to Florida and San Francisco

This trip was run successfully in 2014, 2016 and 2018 and was a wonderful experience for the students. We are offering a similar experience again in 2020 during the April holidays.

Learning Outcomes

  • To immerse the students in Science, Engineering and IT by:
    • Learning about the challenges in the NASA space programmes.
    • View and hear about the history of the space programme.
    • Take part in a simulated space mission at the NASA space camp.
    • At “space camp” use and programme the various IT and problem solving simulations.
    • Learn about the technologies and science used to create the theme park experiences.
    • Take part in the interactive displays at a range of science museums.

  • To Develop teamwork, leadership and decision making by:
    • The Cape Kennedy space camp, simulated mission.
    • The experience of travel and living together for 12 days.
    • The experience of using public transport for parts of the SF experience.

  • To Develop an understanding of American Thinking:
    • Experience of American culture.
    • The different themes of the worlds at Universal Studios.