White River Valley Supervisory Union

PRE-K: Early Childhood Education

Welcome to WRVSU's Pre-Kindergarten Information Hub!

The early years...

During the first few years of life it is truly amazing the amount of growth and development and growth occurring in our children’s brains. With each connection they make, skill they learn, and challenge they face, they are building the foundations for the person they will become. Here at the White River Valley Supervisory Union each town preschool program, although unique, values the importance of relationship building, creating stimulating learning environments, and nurturing opportunities that allow for growth. We look forward to being the first step of a long and beautiful journey.

White River Valley SU Schools

Sharon Elementary

The Newton School

Chelsea Public School

Tunbridge Central School

Stockbridge Central School

Rochester Elementary

White River Valley - Royalton Campus

White River Valley - Bethel Campus

Family Resources

The White River Valley Supervisory Union is seeking to identify all children with disabilities residing in Bethel, Chelsea, Granville, Hancock, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Strafford and Tunbridge

Under Federal and State law, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the White River Valley Supervisory Union has a duty to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing in Bethel, Chelsea, Granville, Hancock, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Strafford and Tunbridge, ages birth through twenty one, regardless of whether they are currently enrolled in public school. Homeless children temporarily residing in any of these towns and children enrolled in programs of home study and/or private schools are also covered by this effort. Where a child is found to meet certain statutory criteria, the school district has a duty to provide certain educational services and/or modifications and accommodations so that the child may receive a free and appropriate education as defined by law.

If you are aware of a child who may have a disability, please contact the White River Valley Supervisory Union, to make a referral for identification and/or evaluation.

Call or write: Annette Rhoades, Director of Special Services

461 Waterman Road, South Royalton, VT 05068. Phone: 802-763-3865