Patriotic Exercises

WRSD School Board Policy IMDA - Patriotic Exercises - Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, Memorial Day (Week), Veterans Day (Week), General John Stark Day must all be observed with educational activities. See policy for more specific information.

  • NH RSA 189:18 Patriotic Exercises In all public schools of the state one session, or a portion thereof, during the weeks in which Memorial Day and Veterans Day fall, shall be devoted to exercises of a patriotic nature, which shall include a discussion of the words, meaning, and history of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner.

  • NH RSA 4:13-c - The governor shall annually issue on the following dates a proclamation calling for a proper observance of State Constitution Day which is January 5 and September 17 as Federal Constitution Day, so that the people may be reminded annually on these dates of the blessings of liberty which they enjoy by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire.

  • NH RSA 4:13-1 - The governor shall annually proclaim the second Monday in April as General John Stark Day in commemoration of General Stark's gallant and illustrious service to New Hampshire and his country. Schools are encouraged to commemorate the day with appropriate educational activities.

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