Mrs. Shea

6th Grade Seminar

2020-2021- The year we all learn to adapt and be resilient!

Welcome MTV 6th Graders!

Together, we will learn how to SURVIVE Middle School.

We are in this TOGETHER! Remember to breath, we will make it.. I promise ❤️️

This years theme- Resiliency and Perseverance

Meet the Kid President!

Life is Tough. but SO ARE YOU!!

We will survive all of this, it is scary for all of to living this life of the unknowns. You are safe here and together I believe we can survive anything!

You will notice that the theme of this year is Resiliency and Perseverance.

In case you need to know what those words mean-

Resiliency- is the ability to bounce back from stress, adversity, failure, challenges, or even trauma.

Perseverance- the act or power of continuing to do something in spite of difficulties.

I am looking forward to sharing with you why those words mean so much to me and how I have had to make them my personal life theme.