Welcome to 1st Grade!
Please use this website as a resource throughout our school year.
Week of February 10
How are we already this far into February?! It's our final week before break. We'll spend a day learning about dental health, begin talking about black history month, and celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday.
I will be out on Monday (2/10) to take Trevor into Boston for an appointment. Mrs. Marrone will be covering.
Reminder, there is no school Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21.
I will not be sending home new math facts this week. We did not get a chance to do our +3 fact check on Friday so I will give another week with those facts and check them this Friday.
This week's sharing theme is something you love. 🩷
Here's a peek at what we're learning:
Phonics - soft c and soft g
Reading - American symbols and celebrations
Writing - personal narratives
Math - comparing lengths of objects and measuring with centimeter cubes
Science/Social Studies - dental health and black history
Dates to Remember:
2/13 - Charcuterie Night at Sterling Street Brewery hosted by Houghton PTO
2/14 - Valentine's Day celebration
2/17-2/21 - No School
Mission for the Classroom:
Our classroom is a child-centered classroom where every child is treated with kindness and respect and encouraged to always put forth their best effort. I believe that it is my honor and responsibility to help each child grow both academically and socially through developmentally appropriate practices and activities that support the learning standards. I hope to foster a love for learning and a desire to always try to live by our school values: respect, responsibility, honesty, kindness, and cooperation.