About Mr Smith...

CLASS: US and MA Government and Civics - Room C305

SCHOOL PHONE: (508) 829-5577

EMAIL: Michael_Smith@wrsd.net

About Me

This is my twelfth year being part of the Mountview community as a teacher. My previous connection was that of a parent of two children who graduated of Mountview way back at the end of the 20th century!

Born in Paxton and having graduated from Wachusett, this is feels like home for me. Before coming to Mountview, I previously taught 7th grade Social Studies for the Quabbin Regional School District and was a volunteer aide at Touchstone Community School in Grafton.


I have always wanted to teach, but it took me nearly thirty years before I was able to reach my goal. During that time I worked in sales, toured bands, was a corporate trainer and earned a pilot's license. I love to read, write, make gelato and travel with my wife.

About US & MA Government and Civics

Massachusetts introduced a new Social Studies curriculum four years ago and the eighth grade got the biggest change - Government and Civics. As we focus on understanding the principles of our government, we will explore the historical context for our state and federal constitutions, along with events that continue to reshape them.

As students learn about their civic responsibilities they will study the role of the local, state, and federal governments and their overlapping roles. Students will learn how interact with their government and how to use it to help create the world they wish to live in.