Goals: SLO/SPO & PPG

SLO (Student Learning Outcome)

What is an SLO/SPO?

Student Learning Objectives (SLO) and Student or Program Outcomes (SPO) are detailed, measurable goals for student academic growth to be achieved in a specific period of time (typically an academic year), based on prior student learning data, and developed collaboratively by educators and their evaluators. The process should also include colleagues, coaches, and peers in the development and review of SLOs, particularly in Supporting Years of an Effectiveness Cycle.

SLO Repository of Examples

SLO Outcomes Process/Rubric Packet (DPI)

PPG (Professional Practice Goal)

What is a PPG?

The PPG goal serves as the basis for focused, individualized professional development as teachers relate their PPG goals to areas of further development within their professional practice. Teachers develop PPGs around an area of improvement identified during the teacher’s selfreview and/or feedback from peers or their evaluator. Others link the PPG to the Strategies section of their SLO. This allows the teacher to examine data, determine the area of focus for the SLO, and then identify the type of professional learning necessary to meet these improved student learning outcomes. Questions to ask when developing a PPG:

  • What are my strengths/challenges as a teacher?

  • How is my practice reflected in the Framework for Teaching rubric?

  • What am I interested in learning/doing/improving?

  • Does it make sense for me to connect my PPG to my SLO? Are there strategies to learn that will support my students’ progress toward the SLO?

  • Where can I build in meaningful networking and collaboration with colleagues?