Book Basics & Care

Circulating Books

  • Classes are signed up for one library book exchange during the 5-day cycle

  • Students in Kindergarten - Grade 1 may sign out 2 books.

  • Students in Grade 2 may sign out 3 books.

  • Students in Grade 3 - 8 may sign out up to 4 books.

  • Students in Kindergarten to Gr. 3 will receive a free library bag to keep their books travelling home and back to school safe in their backpacks.

  • Books are loaned for 3 weeks and can be renewed once by the student through the LLC (Library Learning Commons) unless the book is on hold for another person.

  • Requests for books can be made by logging onto your account in the LLC & placing a book on hold. If you are having any difficulties, fill out the Student Request Form.

  • Requests will be delivered when possible or held until the student's next library day.

  • Return any library books to your classroom library bin for return on library day.

Overdue Books

  • Books are loaned for 3 weeks and may be renewed once.

  • Books can be renewed online through your account on the LLC unless another student has requested that book.

  • Students with any overdue books will not be allowed to borrow any more books until the overdue(s) are returned or renewed.

  • Overdue notices will be sent to their teacher at least once/month.

  • No fines are charged for late books, but please return them promptly so that others may enjoy that book.

Damaged or Lost Books

  • To prevent damage in backpacks, please put your books in a plastic bag!

  • If a book is damaged, please let Ms. Hamm know!

  • Please DO NOT try to repair the book yourself! The library has special book repair supplies!

  • If a book is damaged beyond repair, the student will be expected to pay a fee:

Paperback books $5.00 Hardcover books $10.00

  • If a book is lost, the student will also be expected to pay the above fees. If the book is later found, your money will be refunded.

  • Student borrowing is on hold until fines are paid for lost/damaged books.

Can't find your book?

First of all....try to remember what the book looks like! Ask Ms. Hamm or check your account online for a picture of it!

Check these places where other kids have found their books:

*in your desk at home *in your desk at school

*in the car *under the baby's car seat *in the other car

*in your locker *in your classroom library

*in your binder *in your other binder *in your backpack

*in your other backpack *in your siblings backpack

*on/under/behind the fridge *on/under the kitchen table

*on/under/behind your bedroom bookshelf

*on/under/behind your siblings bookshelf

*on/in/under your siblings desk *under your bed

*under your brother/sister's bed *in the crib

*between the sheets at the foot of your bed

*between your bed and the wall (and the other wall too!)

*under the couch or between the cushions

*on/in/under your dresser *in the closet (check all!)

*under the dirty clothes *in the bathroom

*in the toy box *in the basement *under the TV stand

*in the backyard *on the school bus *at the babysitters

*at your cousins *at your grandma & grandpa's house

*Last but not least, think about the last time your parents told you to clean your room. Now, think about the various places you shoved piles of things, so that they would think you’d actually cleaned it. ;-) Make sure you check all of those places, too.