Mental Health

Test Anxiety - Google Slides.webm

Test Anxiety - How it Works, What You Can Do!

Come along for this informative, incredibly helpful ride as Ms. Cullen explains what happens to our brains when we're preparing for/doing a test, and things we can do to support our well-being!

Want to take a closer look?

Feel free to review the "Test Anxiety" slide deck notes and learning on your own time!

B - Test Anxiety

Need to relax? Try out some of these meditations, yoga flows, and other resources!

Guided Meditation for Beginners

Clear your mind and add some mindfulness to your day with this incredible meditation!

Quick Reset - 3 Minute Meditation

Stressed? This video can help! We might be busy, but we can all take three minutes to support our well-being :)

Yoga Flow!

Try out this beginner yoga session by antiracist and anti-oppression leader Selam Debs with a focus on "live[ing] life from an attitude of acceptance, love and celebration of beauty!

Struggle with Sleep?
This one's for you!

Try out this gentle, relaxing yoga routine to help you get a better night's sleep. Better sleep can help you with stress, anxiety, and other important brain and body functions :)

Need other ideas? Check out these mindfulness activities!

  • breath work

  • gratitude reflections

  • body scans

  • noticing/naming emotions

  • self-compassion check-ins