Parent Involvement

How can I be involved in my child’s education?

Ask your child about their day; What did they do? Where did they play? Who did they play with?

Speak positively about school and your child’s experiences at school

Talk to the classroom educators and ask how you can support your child at home

Attendance is an important part of our program, please try to ensure that your child is present and on time

Register for School-Day ~ the office and classroom educators are available to help you with this

Read all communication that is sent home (e.g., School Day, emails, class calendars, communication book)

Help develop your child’s independence and help them to be prepared for the day (e.g., independently pack their backpack, dress themselves). Routines are a very important part of kindergarten!

Attend information sessions, school events and other parent events

Always ask your child’s educators if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s school experience

JK Parents and New Families

Please fill out the attached survey to give us information on your JK student or new SK student.