What to Expect

Before The Students Placement

During the Student's Placement

After the Student's Placement

Frequently Asked Questions

What if the buses are cancelled? 

If the buses are cancelled and schools are closed, the student WILL NOT be going to their unpaid co-op placement.

If the buses are cancelled and schools are open, the student will determine if it is safe for them to go to their co-op placement.  If they deem it unsafe, they will let you know that they are unable to attend that day due to the weather.

What if my co-op student has been missing placement days without contacting me or without an explaination?

If your student has been missing, late or not being in contact with you about thier lack of attendance, please contact their co-op teacher.  The only way that we know if the student has not been attending sometimes is if the employer tells us.  We can address this with the student and hopefully solve the problem moving forward. 

What if there is an accident in the workplace?

All situations are different.  If medical attention is needed, seek it! All co-op students have a blue emergency card on them at all times.  Thier teacher contact information is on that card as well as their health card information. Contact thier teacher immediately if there has been an accident that requires medical attention. 

What if I can not offer enough hours duing the school day for the student to earn enough for their credits?

Contact your student's co-op teacher.  A lot of the time we can work out a solution.