Non-Profit, Education, and Child Care

Non-Profit SHSM Information

Non-Profit SHSM Sector.mp4

Non-Profit Requirements

Courses EDSS Non-Profit, Education and Child Care

Course Requirements

The course requirements are indicated in the left hand column. All grade 11 and 12 courses listed would qualify for Non-Profit, Education and Child Care credits. 

Certifications EDSS Non-Profit, Education and Child Care

Certification Requirements

The Certification requirments are divided into Compulsary and Elective.  The compulsary certifcaitons must be completed in order to earn your SHSM.  In addition, 3 of the elective certifications from the list need to be completed to be successful at earning your Non-Profit, Education and Child Care SHSM. 

Any Questions?

The Non-Profit, Education and Child Care SHSM Lead is Mr. Finnie