
Grade 9 and 10

BEM 1OI: Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset

In this course, students will learn what makes an entrepreneur thrive and the skills required to succeed in today’s business environment. Students will begin to develop their own entrepreneurial mindset, and learn why it’s important to take initiative, adapt to change, find creative solutions, and understand the financial considerations of entrepreneurship. This hands-on course will use business software and applications to help students plan and develop their entrepreneurial ideas and learn how to present them to a target audience. Throughout the course, students will enhance their communications skills as well as develop and refine their project management skills, including goal setting, time management, and networking. 

Level: Open

Prerequisite: None

BEP 2OI: Launching and Leading a Business

This course introduces students to the world of business and what is required to be successful, ethical, and responsible in today’s economy. Students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to be an entrepreneur who knows how to respond to local and global market opportunities. Throughout the course, students will explore and understand the responsibility of managing different functions of a business. This includes accounting, marketing, information and communication technology, financial management, human resources, and production.

Level: Open

Prerequisite: None

Grade 11

BAF3MI: Financial Accounting Fundamentals

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting, with emphasis on accounting procedures used in service and merchandising businesses. Students will develop financial analysis and decision-making skills that will assist them in future studies and/or career opportunities in business. Careers in accounting will be researched. Accounting theory and applications will also be delivered through the use of the computer and the game of Monopoly.

Level: University/College

Prerequisite: None

BDI3CI: Entrepreneurship: The Venture

This course focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures. Students will have a unique opportunity to run a venture together as a class where the profits will be donated to a local charity. In lieu of a final exam, students will create a venture plan for a service business that they could operate during the summer or after they graduate. Through hands-on experiences, students will have opportunities to develop the values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs.

Level: College

Prerequisite: None

BMI3CI: Marketing: Goods, Services, and Events

This course introduces the fundamentals of marketing such as pricing, product development, promoting, selling and distributing of goods, services, and events. Students learn how an idea becomes a product and goes from the concept stage to the marketplace through case studies and real-life examples. The summative project invites students to “invent” or “innovate” a product and create a marketing plan to support it, making the course a very practical, hands-on and fun experience.

Level: College

Prerequisite: None

CLU3MI: Understanding Canadian Law

This course explores Canadian law with a focus on the sources of law, rights and freedoms, criminal law, and civil law. During the criminal law unit, students will solve a CSI Bluevale crime, research a famous criminal, and take a field trip to Toronto to observe trials at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Throughout the course, students will use critical-thinking, inquiry, and communication skills to develop informed opinions on legal issues and apply this knowledge in a variety of ways and settings, including case analysis, mock trials, and debates.

Level: University/College

Prerequisite: Grade 10 Canadian History Since World War I

Grade 12

BBB4MI: International Business Fundamentals

Interested in learning about other cultures and their business practices? This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets. Students will study marketing, logistics, trade organizations, fair trade practices, cultures, social responsibility, ethics, and Canada’s role in the global economy. This course prepares students for careers in business, management, accounting, logistics, marketing, geography, and global studies.

Level: University/College

Prerequisite: Any U, M, or C-level course in Business, English, or Canadian and World Studies

BOH4MI: Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals

Interested in learning how to be someone’s manager? This course examines effective leadership practices used in current, successful corporations. The students will analyze the role of a leader in business, with a focus on decision making, teamwork, workplace stress and conflict, motivation of employees, and time management. Effective business communication skills, ethics and social responsibility are also emphasized. Through a variety of classroom activities the students will develop and enhance their own leadership skills. This course prepares students for careers in business, management, accounting, psychology, and sociology.

Level: University/College

Prerequisite: Any U, M, or C-level course in Business, English, or Canadian and World Studies

BAT4MI: Financial Accounting Principles

Students will build on grade 11 accounting by looking at the service business and the merchandising business in more depth. Students will also be introduced to accounting for partnerships and corporations, ethics in accounting and business, and analyzing financial statements.

Level: University/College

Prerequisite: BAF3MI

CIA4UI: Analyzing Current Economic Issues

This course investigates the nature of the competitive global economy and explores how individuals and societies can gain the information they need to make appropriate economic decisions. Students will learn about the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, apply economic models and concepts to interpret economic information. Students will use economic inquiry and communication skills to analyze current economic issues, make informed judgements, and present their findings. 

Level: University

Prerequisite: Any U or M-level course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humanities

IDC4OX: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

The Sports and Entertainment Marketing course is designed to apply marketing principles and processes to the sports and entertainment industry. The sports segment includes collegiate, professional and amateur sports. The entertainment segment includes movies, theatre and music. Guest speakers from Maple Leaf Sports as well as the Canadian Hockey League are brought in to share their experiences within the industry. Students will have the opportunity to go on a field trip to Toronto where they will tour the Air Canada Centre or Roger’s Centre as well as City TV.

Level: Open

Prerequisite: None