C2L/AP/Leadership (KRT)

Choose to Lead students!!  We have included the courses you select in our course calendar... just in case you need help, here they are again. These classes are for students in C2L only. PLEASE be careful to select the accurate course code in MyBlueprint.

Grade 10 - CHC2DU (History), GLC2OU and CHV2OU (Careers and Civics)

Grade 11 - PLF 4MZ (Physical Education Leadership) [this counts as a university bound grade 12 credit]

Grade 12  - BOH 4MZ (Business Leadership) [this counts as a university bound grade 12 credit]

Our Advanced Placement classes:

Grade 12 Advanced Placement courses are denoted with a W at the end. (ex. ENG 4UW)

All students have the choice to select AP classes in Grade 12 directly in MyBlueprint. AP exams are handled separately. Listen for announcements in October 2024. Exam fees apply!

Our KRT/Leadership classes:

Bluevale offers both Junior Leadership and KRT (Knights of the Round Table - Student Council) classes for students in grades 10 through 12. Learn more below! Students entering Grade 10 will select Junior Leadership (GPP3OJ - a Grade 11 course code but Grade 10 class). Students in grades 11 and 12 will select: IDC 3OX for first year KRT, IDC 4OI for second year.