Summary of Class Lessons

     Calendar                                                                                       Class Content

Today's Class 

This section contains a summary of the day's class. When students are absent they should check this section first to see what they missed. This section will be updated as early as possible. If students have any questions, they should contact me via email or TEAMS. 

Geography Lesson  (Dec 4 - 22)


Students will be working on a "Save the Parks" poster or brochure. This is due on December 22. See link for instructions 

Brochure Instructions

History Lesson  (Dec 4 - 22)


Graffiti Assignment. 

Click Here for Assignment Instructions

Geography Lesson (Nov 20-Dec 8)

Lesson Slides:  Protected Territories   

Geography Lesson (Nov 17-30)

Lesson Slides:  Protected Territories  

Read Page 32-33 of workbook and prepare for mini-quiz on Friday November 18. 

History Lesson (Nov 1-17) 

Lesson: Lecture slides Click Here 

Worksheet: Click Here 

History Lesson (Oct 10-20) 

Bell Ringer: explore this website, let me know if you have any questions. 

Lesson: Watch THIS clips on the Paleolithic Era

Students who are absent will still need to create the comic strip, hand it in via TEAMS CHAT or email

Geography Lesson Oct. 30

Geography Lesson Oct. 3- 17

Students completed the two review Kahoots for the Geo quiz on Friday and the KLW chart below. If absent, complete at home and hand in when you come back to class. 

Geography & History Lesson Sept 28-Oct 2

For this week, students will be colouring in a Map of Canada. This is due October 2nd. If it's not finished in class, students will need to complete it by Oct. 3 for homework. 

Please see links below for more info: 

Link to blank map

Link to full map


1) Colour in the map

2) Colour in the water 

3) Label all the Provinces, Territories, Capital Cities and Capital of Canada

4) Draw a legend 

5) Add a title

Geography Lesson Sept 21-28

Bell Ringer: 

Watch this video as a class and create a comic strip with what you learned about Cronos and Atlas



Students will be using class time to work on their "Make a Map". Students who are absent still need to hand in the assignment via TEAMS CHAT or email. 

Due SEPTEMBER 28th at the beginning of class

History Lesson Sept. 19-26

Chronology & Timeline Assignment

Geography Lesson Sept. 18


Follow Up Activity: 

History Lesson Sept. 13-19th

Bell Ringer: 

What is a Timeline? Explained in 60 Seconds | History for Kids

By: 60 Second History


Activity #1: 

Follow Up Activity: 

Students will be lining up in various “timelines” 

Timeline #1: Have students line up from youngest to oldest 

Timeline #2: Have students who were born from January - June line up on the BCE side of the timeline and students who were born from July - December on the CE side of timeline

Timeline #3: Have students who have brown eyes line up on the BCE side of the timeline and those who have blue/green eyes line up on the CE side of the timeline. 

Timeline #4: Line up in alphabetical order. Students with last names that start with A-M on the BCE side (in Alpha order) and those who have last names that start with N-Z on the CE side of the timeline in Alpha order. 

Geography Lesson - Sept. 7-14

Journal Entry: Why does Geography matter and what issues matter to YOU!


Lecture slides and discussion. 

Lecture slides: CLICK HERE 

History Lesson - Sept. 8-13

Journal entry: Do you like school? 


Review lecture notes and have a group discussion. 

Lecture Notes: Click Here