High School Young Writers 2018

Welcome Readers, Writers, Parents and Students!

On these pages you will find writings from high school students who participated in our 2018 Young Writers program at the University of Pittsburgh. Please feel free to browse using the drop down menus at the top of the page.

Dear Young Writers and Families,

Welcome to the 2018 Young Writers Institute Anthology!

Congratulations on another transformative two weeks of writing workshops, forming friendships, and crafting and revising these amazing pieces for our anthology. Your teachers and I salute your creativity and courage.

Thank you for your support of YWI and we hope to see you back next summer!


Sarah Falbo

YWI Director, Oakland site

For more information and to sign up for a future Young Writers, visit https://www.wpwp.pitt.edu/opportunities/youth/ywi/

Young Writers is a program of the Western Pennsylvania Writing Project, sponsored by the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh, Oakland, PA.