
Procedures & Rules

Classroom Rules

1.Be on time, in dress code, on task, and prepared to learn every day.

2.Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself

3.Be responsible for your own learning

4.Clean up after yourself

5.Keep all personal electronics put away

6.Follow all FHS and WPSB rules.

What happens if I break a rule?

  • Warning

  • Counsel with student and/or Parent/ Guardian Contact

  • Coach/Sponsor Contact

  • Disciplinary Referral

** I reserve the right to skip steps in cases outlined in the student handbook. (i.e, profanity, bullying, fighting, drugs, weapons)

Classroom Procedures

Beginning the class

  • How should students enter the room? Enter classroom in dress code, on time, quietly, get out your pen/pencil, and begin your bell ringer. I will stand at the door to monitor student dress code as the student enter and take attendance during the bell ringer.

  • When am I tardy for class? You will be marked tardy if you are not inside the door by the time the tardy bell sounds…no excuses will be accepted.

  • How and when will absentee slips be handled? Students will give them to teacher as they enter classroom. Teacher will record when attendance is checked and return to student.

  • What type of seating arrangements will be used? I will assign you a seat. You are expected to sit in your assigned seat unless I tell you differently. You do not determine where you sit, I do.

  • How will the teacher get students' attention to start class? Class begins immediately upon your entry into the classroom. An agenda and bell ringer will be posted on the board each day. I will use the words “Eyes on me” or “Give me five” to gain the attention of my students.

  • How will students behave during intercom announcements? During announcements, you will remain silent and listen to the announcements.

Classroom Management

  • How and when will students leave their seats? At no time should you be out of your assigned seat unless I give you permission to do so.

  • What do students need in order to leave the room/bathroom? Students must turn in their cellphone and sign out using the hall pass log before exiting the classroom and sign back in upon return. No exception unless written authorization comes from the office.

  • How will students get help from the teacher? Raise your hand and wait patiently until you are recognized.

  • What are acceptable noise levels for discussion, group work, seat work? Noise levels should not exceed conversational (use inside voice) at any time.

  • How will students get recognized to talk? Raise hand and wait patiently until you are recognized. Blurting out is never acceptable.

  • How do students behave during presentations by other students? Students should be alert, pay attention to the presenters respectfully and quietly. Students not presenting should not be talking during the presentation.

  • How do students behave when there is a visitor in the room? Students are expected to continue working quietly when any visitor is in our classroom.

  • How do students get supplies they are missing? Raise hand, be recognized by teacher, and make request.

  • How and when do students sharpen pencils? Pencils are to be sharpened at the beginning of class. Pencils are never to be sharpened while the teacher is actively teaching. The pencil sharpener is located on the shelf at the back of the classroom.

  • How and when do students throw away paper and/or trash? Students should never leave their seat to throw away trash. Please place all items under chair until the end of class and throw away all trash when dismissed from class.

  • How will students get materials or use special equipment? Materials for special projects will be distributed in an orderly manner as prescribed by the teacher. Each student is assigned a number. These numbers correlate with group baskets.

  • How will students use the white board? Occasionally, the teacher will call upon a volunteer to go to the white board for problem solving and discussion. Students will be expected to go to the board and only work on the problem assigned by the teacher. Once the student has completed the question, the student is expected to return to their desk quietly. Students are not to write on the board without permission from the teacher.

  • What to do when you have a substitute teacher? I will leave the substitute with work for you to do and have completed upon my return. All work assigned by the substitute will be turned in and graded.

  • How and when will students work in groups? Students will be assigned to groups by the teacher for group work and projects. Each student in the group is expected to equally participate within the group.

  • Will food, drink, candy or gum be allowed in class? Gum, small snacks, and water only will be allowed as long as students keep the room clean. I reserve the right to take these privileges away if students do not clean up.

Paper Work

  • How will students complete headings on papers? The following should be in this order in the top left corner: Name, Date of assignment, and name of the assignment. The class hour number should be placed in the upper right hand corner.

  • What will students use to complete notes, quizzes and assignments? Students may use pens and/or pencils as long as the writing is legible. If the writing is not legible, student work will be returned to be completed neatly. There will be 5 points deducted for papers returned due to neatness.

  • How will students distribute handouts? Handouts for the day can be picked up in the corresponding bin located in the front of the classroom.

  • How will students turn in work? All work must be placed in corresponding folder located on the door.

  • How and when will students make up work, quizzes and test? Students must make up work within five days of returning to school during scheduled time. It is the student’s responsibility to get the make-up work from the make-up folder. Any notes missed must be obtained from another student. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up work.

  • How will students submit late work? Students may submit late work to the teacher after class. Student will sign late work form acknowledging subtraction of points for the late assignment.

  • What happens if a student submits incomplete assignment? Teacher will not accept any incomplete assignments. Students may complete the assignment and submit it late and receive a deduction in points.

Dismissal from Class or School

  • How are students dismissed for lunch? I will announce when it is time for lunch and dismiss the students. Each time a student says something about lunch I will add one minute to the time we go. Please be sensitive to my desire to teach even if it means we might be late for lunch on occasion. I enjoy eating as much as you do. As we are going down the hall to lunch, students are expected to be quiet as other classes will be in session.

  • When do students leave class for the day? I will dismiss the class, not the bell.

  • What do students do during fire and disaster drills? Be patient, calm and quiet. Listen to me for instructions about where to go.