Mrs. Amber's Announcements


Greetings. My name is Mrs. Amber Burge and I am so very excited to be starting a wonderful year at Franklinton High School. This year is going to be unlike anything we have ever experienced before, but I promise to do my very best in making this year flow as smoothly as possible. With that said, I do ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this new territory. This year, I will be teaching Biology I and Dual Enrollment Biology 151. I want to encourage you to reach out to me via email if you have any questions or concerns. You may also  contact the school office and leave a message if you prefer. I pray everyone has a blessed and safe school year.

Room No.  - 312

Contact Info. - or 985-839-6781

Class Schedule and Google Classroom Codes:

Grading Scale

Rules and Expectations

Biology Supplies