Daniel Webster Middle School

6th Grade

Bethany Herrera

Bethany's skills with a pencil are beyond great.

Jose Zacapa Escobar

Jose created a sculpture out of ordinary household objects. His mission was to photograph his art in such a way as to create the illusion of a very large sculpture.

Natalee Lizardo

AWARDED 1st Place for 6th Grade

Natalee used cardboard, paste, napkins, and buttons to create this unconventional relief art.

7th Grade

Yoana Rodriguez

Yoana and Pamela created these unconventional art pieces from materials they found around the house.

Pamela Ayala-Leon

AWARDED 1st Place for 7th Grade

Jeanette Paz

Jeanette is always creating great art whether she is drawing it, like her elephant , or erasing it as she did on the face.

8th Grade

Brianna Torres

Logan Ruiz

Luis Alvarez

These talented 8th grade students explored technical aspects of drawing, sculpture, and creativity with incredible passion and skill.

Leila Bychowski