WPS Art Show 2024  


Welcome to Westminster Public Schools 

22nd Annual & 5th Virtual Art Show! 

Scroll down to enjoy our virtual galleries of student artwork from across the district or click on the links below to go directly to a section.

Click here to meet Our Art Team!

How-to Art Show 

Please watch our videos below before you visit the galleries. 

Thank you and enjoy!

How-to Navigate

Virtual Galleries

Show Etiquette

With Ms. Edna Artshow

District Statement on Student Free Speech

Freedom of speech is the foundation of our communities and nation. The works in this exhibition may awe, illuminate, challenge, unsettle, confound, provoke, and, at times, offend.

Westminster Public Schools policy on Teaching about Controversial Issues states:

Controversy is inherent in the democratic way of life. It is essential, therefore, that students have the opportunity, under competent guidance and instruction, to study issues appropriate to their interest, experience, and ability…Students have the right to form and express their own point of view and opinions without jeopardizing their position in the classroom or school.

To exhibit a work of art is not to endorse the work or the vision, ideas, and opinions of the artist. It is to uphold the right of all to experience diverse visions and views.

Art Galleries

Artwork by Level 3 - 5 students from:

Artwork by Level 6 - 8 students from:

Artwork by Level 9 - 12 students from:

Monster Partners Project

Click here or the picture below to check out the Monsters when they arrive!

Artwork by students from:

Click on the picture above to enjoy the artwork!

Special Thanks to the WPS Board of Education

Audrey Yanos, Board Director

Christine Martinez, Board President

Aaron Martin, Board Vice President

Dan Orecchio, Board Secretary

Mary Beth Murphy, Board Treasurer