

Here you can find a list of our Warwood School policies. These policies were reviewed with students at the beginning of the year, and they are reminded of the policies throughout the year. All school policies are in place to create an environment where students can safely and confidently learn and thrive. Policies can also be found in the student handbooks supplied to students at the start of the year.

Fire Drills/Evacuation

Fire drills, evacuations, and lockdowns are required by law to be held periodically so orderly evacuation of the building may be accomplished without panic or incident. Instructions are posted on the wall in each room. Each teacher will review proper procedures with all students.

Office Phone

Students are permitted to use the office phone in the event of an emergency. Forgetting homework, clothes for physical education, or musical instruments are not an emergency.

Bus Safety And Passes

Bus violations are very serious because students jeopardize the safety and well-being of all students by not following the rules. Improper behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to comply with all bus regulations and be cooperative with the bus driver. Bus driver has full authority. You must have written permission to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. If you are going home with someone else, you must have written permission from both households.

Harassment Policy

The principal, assistant principal, school counselors, teachers, and staff at Warwood School are dedicated to the prevention and intervention of cyber bullying, harassment and violence. During the course of the year, the school will present lessons which focus on positive behaviors and prevention of harassment and violence.

The principal, assistant principal, and/or the school counselor will speak to the non offender, the witness, and aggressor to determine the facts. If it is determined that an act of bullying did occur, the following consequences could be employed if and when t is appropriate in each incident.

-Principal, assistant principal, and/or counselor lead meditation between the two individuals

-Lunch and/or recess detention

-Parent notification and a report on bullying


*Any act of harassment, intimidation/threats, and/or violence will not be tolerated

Dress Code

Students may not wear the following:

  • Garments that sag below the waistline or show underwear

  • Short shorts or skirts

  • Holes in jeans that expose undergarments or parts that shorts or skirts would cover

  • Sleeveless shirts without straps

  • Open midriff shirts

  • See-through or mesh garments with bare skin underneath

  • Clothing with inappropriate language, artwork, or any reference to sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, gangs, or rebel flags

  • Sleepwear (pajamas, boxer shorts)

  • Hats, sunglasses

  • Bandannas, headbands, or any other head wraps unless they serve some kind of function

  • Flip-flops/Slides (Backless Sandal)

  • Any other items deemed inappropriate or disruptive

**Yoga pants and leggings may be worn if covered by a top or sweatshirt that meets the end of your fists while you are standing with you arms to your sides.**

Hall Etiquette

Students are to walk quietly and follow the posted rules and procedures in the halls at all times. When walking in the halls, keep to the right. Obey the "up"and"down" signs on the stairs for safety.


Ohio county schools recognize that homework is helpful and necessary to reinforce concepts and to provide background for the introduction of new material. Therefore, homework will be assigned on a regular basis. The completed and checked homework can be a basis for assessments and will become a component of the grade.


Student who arrive to school after 8:35 will report to the main office to sign in and receive a late slip. The late slip must be shown to the teacher of the class for which you are late. Three (3) tardies in a nine-week period will result in a 30 minute after school detention.


Visitors are welcome to our school. However, all visitors must enter the building and report directly to the principal's office before going to other parts of the building. The security system is operational, and the doors will be locked at all times except for morning arrival, special school functions, and after school activities/sports games. In order to enter the building, you must go to the front entrance of the school, press the button on the box, and wait for a response. If you need a handicap entrance, you may enter through the middle school doors.


  • Absence- Not being physically present in the school facility for any reason

Attendance- For statistical purposes attendance will be reported and aggregated to the nearest half day according to the following definitions:

-Full-day attendance means being present at least .74 of the school day.

-Half-day attendance means being present at least .50 of the school day.

Parent Notes- Ten parent excuses are permitted per school year.

In the case of three total unexcused absences of a student during the year, the attendance director or assistant shall serve written notice to the parents, guardians or custodians of the student that attendance of the student at school is required.

In the case of five total unexcused absences, the attendance director or assistant shall severe written notice to the parents, guardian or custodian the student

Regular attendance at school is essential for a student success. When a student is absent, the parent and guardian must call the school by 9:00 A.M. to report an absence. When you come back from being absent, you must bring a written not (from parent, doctor or dentist, ect.) that explains the reason you're absent. If you are absent from school for more than 2 days in a row, make up work and homework can be requested. Please call school by 9:oo A.M. Work can be picked up between 2:30-3:15. If you are absent for only one day, it is your responsibility to ask your teachers for make up work when you come back to school.

Drop Off/Pick Up

Please keep your child's dismissal time and method consistent to avoid confusion about where and when your child will be picked up . In case of any unavoidable change, the school must be contacted by 2:30 P.M.

The elementary drop off is on the south end of Richland Ave (between the flagpole and the alley), which will be closed to traffic between 8:10-8:35. Middle school drop off is in the lower lot by the river near the basketball hoop. Bus drop off is in the viking drive turnabout.

Richland ave is closed between 2:45-3:30 P.M. to allow for elementary pick up.

Bus pick up will also be in the viking drive turn about once car riders are dismissed.

Utilize the appropriate zones for arrival/dismissal drop off and pick up . While waiting in the pick up zone or the drop off zone please stay in your vehicle. Please make sure to inform family members who may be picking up your children of the correct procedures.


Early Dismissal

If a student is to leave before the scheduled time on any school day, he/she must bring a note from their guardian stating the time they will be picked up. The student is to take this note with the students first and last name to his/her homeroom teacher. Before they leave, the guardian must sign out the student.

Gum Chewing

Gum chewing is not permitted. Every student chewing gum will be required to spit it out. Habitual infractions will result in a discipline referral and additional consequences.

Emergency Policies

LOCKOUT! Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors.

Students: Return inside, Business as usual

Teachers: Bring everyone indoors, Lock outside doors, Increase situational awareness, Business as usual, Take attendance.

LOCKDOWN! Locks, Lights, Out Of Sight.

Students: Move away from sight, Maintain silence, Do not open the doors.

Teachers: Lock interior doors, Turn out the lights, Move away from sight, Do not open the door, Maintain silence.

EVACUATE! To the Announced Location.

Students: Bring your phone, Leave your stuff behind, Follow instructions

Teachers: Lead evacuation to location, Take attendance, Notify if missing, extra, or injured students

Shelter Hazard and Safety Strategy

Tornado- Evacuate to shelter area

Hazmat- Seal the room

Earthquake- Drop, cover, and hold

Tsunami- Get to high ground

Hold! In Your Classroom. Clear The Halls.

Students: Remain in your classroom until the (all clear) is announced

Teachers: Close and Lock classroom door, Business as usual, Take attendance


The goal of the discipline policy is to develop students to their maximum potential for self-control, independence, responsibility, and self-governance that enhances the school's mission of social responsibility. Discipline problems will be taken care of by the teacher in the room unless the infraction is severe in nature. At that point, the teacher may refer the student to administration.


Students are not permitted to take photographs or videos of themselves or of others during the school day unless they are enrolled in a media class (Yearbook, newspaper, videography) and assigned to do so by the teacher. Photography and videography by a student that is posted to any student's personal social media account is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the social media safety policy below for more details.

Social Media Safety

Students should not be accessing social media at any time on any electronic device during the school day. Posts on social media deemed as a form of harassment/bullying can result in disciplinary action regardless of whether the post was made during the school day. Please refer to WVDE policy 4373 for more information on harassment and bullying policies and definitions.

Lost and Found

A lost and found table will be located in the cafeteria. To prevent losing items please clearly mark all personal items with your name. At the end of the year, lost and found items are donated to organizations that assist the needy.

Lockers (grades 4-8)

The locker is a safeguard for your things. You must assume responsibility for your personal belongings and textbooks and should prevent the problem of missing/stolen items by keeping your locker locked (Middle school only.) You will need to provide the combination or an extra key to your homeroom teacher. You can go to your locker four times a day: On your way to homeroom, on your way to and from lunch, and at the end of the day. Teachers may allow extra locker visits for special materials as deemed necessary by the teacher.