
Android can be a little fiddly to set up on, because no 2 android phones are exactly the same, but use these instructions as a rough guide - It's mainly self explanatory.

1. Download the "Cloud Print" app by google, from the play store

2. The next thing to do is check it is enabled on your android device, to do this, open up "settings" and search for "Print" There might be a view different options, but they'll all get you to where you need to go. For this demo I clicked "Printing"

3. Click on "Cloud Print"

4. Inside the "Cloud Print" Settings, you should see your worth google account - If not, you might need to add your worth account to your phone, which you can do under Settings --> Accounts.

5. Now when you want to print something, click on the "3 dots" menu, and you should have a print option - click tap.

6. Find the "Worth School Print" Printer in the list, and click on it.

7. Check you're happy with the print preview, and click the print button.

8. You might get this warning, just click ok.

Your job will now be sent to the printer - release it from the nearest photocopier as usual with your code or badge.