Rules and Regulations of the 10th Annual Neuroscience20 India Summit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and General Rules of Attendance

The Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is a non-profit society organized to encourage scientists to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients afflicted with neurological disorders; in Brain Mapping, engineering, stem cell, nanotechnology, imaging, and medical devices.

SBMT achieves its mission through multi-disciplinary collaborations with government agencies, patient advocacy groups, educational institutes, industry, and philanthropic organizations. We promote public welfare and improve patient care by translating new technologies/therapies into lifesaving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We are continually committed to excellence in education and scientific discovery.

The G20/Neuroscience20 World Brain Mapping & Therapeutics Scientific Summit aims to contribute to President Obama’s BRAIN initiative and to expand action on the current and upcoming initiatives across the G20 nations, bringing together the finest scientists, engineers, physicians, surgeons and policymakers across the globe in order to rapidly introduce clinical solutions for neurological disorders, which cost the world economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually. The N20 is a think-tank working group and has only invited panelists. Hence there is no individual lecture/talk.

The N20 comprises of three separate events spread over 2 days of the Summit. These include the following

The invited panelists are known experts in the field of neuroscience and their knowledge and experience can better be shared through open dialogue among panelists and audience and thus only 3-5 slides are allowed per panelist if needed. The panels will be of 60 minutes each and will have a resolution summarized based on the discussion during the panel. Each panel will bring out a resolution that will be discussed and signed upon by the delegates and SBMT and N20 office bearers at the end of the scientific program.

We run on tight logistics accounting for each of our attendees. All panelists are invited based on their expertise in the field of neuroscience. SBMT and WBMF DO NOT cover travel and stay costs for any panelists due to the high number of panelists and delegates at the Summit. 

SBMT will cover the cost of the Cultural Tour, including the Neuroscience Networking Dinner, the lunch during the Scientific-Policy Program, and the Neuro-Policy Champions Gala Dinner for the invited panelists ONLY.

If an invited panelist wishes to have a guest attend the Neuroscience20 Summit, then the guest/attendee MUST PAY the cost of attendance. Payment will grant them access to the Cultural Tour, including Neuroscience Networking Dinner, Scientific-Policy Program, and the Neuro-Policy Champions Gala. Tickets can be purchased by clicking here or following the link here - 

All invited panelists have to arrange their own airport pick-up and local transport. While the organizing committee will provide assistance in getting the best available rates for airport transfer through the Ambassador Taj Hotel, it is not guaranteed. The panelists have to inform the organizing committee if they wish to receive assistance in airport transfer latest by July 31, 2023. 

Panelists need to provide their arrival and departure details to the organizing committee. Please contact - or

The official language of the Summit is English

All attendees, including invited panelists and Keynotes speakers, need to register. The cost of attendance is US $5000 per attendee.

The cost will provide access to both summit days, including the Cultural Tour, Scientific Program, and Neuro-Policy Champions Gala.

Invited panelists and Keynote speakers will receive a SPECIAL CODE for registration, providing them with a 100% discount.

Other corporate and non-profit organizations' sponsorship packages start at US$30000 for the Member level and US $70000 for the Platinum level.

Where do I pick my Name Badge?

Name badges can be collected on arrival from the registration desk. All Panelists and Registered participants are kindly requested to wear their name badges throughout the conference in order to be admitted to the Summit session halls and scheduled activities.

Visa Applications to attend the N20 Summit

Cancellation Policy

Liabilities and Insurance Policies

The N20 Summit Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept responsibility whatsoever for injury or damage involving persons and property either during or indirectly arising from the Summit. Participants are advised to make their own arrangements with respect to personal health and travel insurance.

Penalty for trespassing – faulty entrance – sneaking in, is $3600.00 per day. The penalty for faulty documentation/badge will be $5000.00. The organization reserves the right to take further action against the individual and the institution they are representing.

The N20 Summit Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents, nor loss of or damage to private property of participants, either during or directly arising from the 10th Annual Neuroscience20 (N20) Summit of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.