Worcester Public Schools
The COATS FOR KIDS PROGRAM provides new winter outerwear, hats and gloves to children in need in the Worcester Public Schools.
The COATS FOR KIDS PROGRAM provides new winter outerwear, hats and gloves to children in need in the Worcester Public Schools.
The #1 way to break the cycle of poverty is through education. For a child, a new winter coat can be so much more than just warmth. It can foster self-esteem and confidence, can inspire happiness and improve peer acceptance, school attendance and over-all wellness. It tells a child, “You’re worth it!” Keeping children healthy and warm throughout the cold harsh New England winter months can change lives!
Elizabeth Vecchio, Program Coordinator | vecchio@worcesterschools.net | 508.799.3479
Worcester Public Schools | Durkin Administration Building, Room 008 | 20 Irving Street | Worcester, MA 01609
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