Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains our FAQs and our reponses!

When and where does The Colonel Chronicle meet?

We meet every Wednesday from 2-3 after school in Ms. Ledoux's room (A147) which is located on the bottom floor all the way at the end of the hall!

How often do I have to write as a member of the club?

If you are not in a leadership position, you can write on your own accords! This is a club that encourages independent management, and we do not want to people to feel like they are forced to do something. However, if you are in a leadership position you are expected to write on a biweekly (every two weeks) or weekly basis.

What do you even do?

We do writing, photography, interviews, social media management, website design, etc.!

Are there any leadership positions in the club?

Unfortunately, all leadership positions have been taken by members. If you would like a position, make sure to attend meetings consistently next year!