Google Classroom

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a free application for students and teachers designed to help with communication, collaboration, assignment management and organization.

If I'm accessing Google Classroom from a tablet or phone, what apps do I need?

To make the most out of Google Classroom on your mobile device the following apps are recommended:

  • Google Classroom

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Slides

  • Google Drive

How do I log into Google to access my Google Classroom?

If you are sharing a device with other members of your household, it is important that you are each using your own account before you begin working.

1.Look for your personal icon in the top right corner of your browser. This is a circle with your first initial, or a picture you have chosen. Click this icon.

2.Click "sign out"

3. Log back in using your ID and your personal password.

4. If you don't remember your ID or password, please contact your teacher.

5. When you are finished, log out so the next member of your household can use the device.

How do I access Google Classroom and Google Meet?

There are several ways students can access these two apps however, you must be logged in to your Worcester Schools account in order to do so.

Accessing Google Classroom through Google:

1.Make sure you are logged in to the correct account

2. Open a new tab, and click on the waffle in the top right corner of the tab (waffle= 9 dots arranged in a 3x3 grid)

3. Once you have opened the waffle, scroll until you see the Google Classroom icon.

4. Click on it to open it

Accessing Google Meet within Google Classroom

1.Now that you have Google Classroom open, you should see the name of the classroom at the top.

2.Look on that banner, for a link to the Google Meet.

3. If you click the link BEFORE the teacher has arrived, you won't be able to access the meet, just wait a few minutes and try again!

Using Clever to access Google Classroom:

1.Make sure you are logged in to the browser using your Worcester Schools account.

3. Log in using your Worcester Schools account and password

4. Scroll down until you see the Google Classroom icon

How do I locate an assignment in Google Classroom?

To locate an assignment in Google Classroom, first make sure you are logged in to the browser using your Worcester Schools account

1.Open Google Classroom.

2. At the top of the page you will see three options: Stream, Classwork, People. Click Classwork.

3. Locate the assignment, click it to open.

4. Directions and work will pop up. Individual student work will be located on the right-hand side of the screen .

How does student work get uploaded to Google Classroom?

Inserting photos using a Chromebook or computer

1.Take the photo of student work and upload it to either student's Google Drive, or the computer

2. Open the document where the work will be uploaded

3. Click "insert" then "image"

4. Choose where the picture is being uploaded from

5. Locate image and click "insert"

Inserting photos using a tablet or phone

1.Make sure you have installed the app where the picture is going. For example if you need to upload it to a Google Slide, you must have the Google Slide app on the tablet or phone.

2. Take a picture of student work

3. Open the app where student work will be uploaded

4. Click the +

5. Click "add image"

6. Find the image and select it

How can caregivers see information in Google Classroom?

To get email summaries of your student’s work, you must accept an email invitation from a teacher or administrator. You have 120 days to accept an invitation before it expires. You can unsubscribe from summaries or remove yourself as a guardian at any time.

  • The teacher or administrator emails you an invitation to join your student’s class.

  • In your email program, open your email invitation.

  • Click Accept.

  • If you’re not the guardian, click I’m Not The Guardian.

  • Click Accept

  • Click Accept to confirm.

When you accept an invitation, you and your student get an email confirmation.

In email summaries, you can review:

  • Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.

  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).

  • Class activities—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.

If there’s no activity to report or if a teacher turns off email notifications, you might not get an email summary.