LITech Conference

March 9, 2019- Wooster High School

8:30am - 12:00pm

Featured Presenters

Dr. Tim Rasinski

Whatever Happened to the Art of Teaching Reading?

With the publication of the report of the National Reading Panel as well as the Common Core Standards, reading instruction has been viewed as a science. Scientific inquiry has identified phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as key critical reading competencies for students to master. Teachers have been mandated to follow reading instruction protocols that are based on scientific research. While not denying the need for scientifically validated approaches to teaching reading, it is important to note that teaching reading is also an art. Yet, the emphasis on the science of teaching reading has diminished artful approaches to reading instruction. In his presentation, Dr. Rasinski will make the case that effective teaching reading is both an art and science, and he will use reading fluency as an example of ways that reading instruction can be taught as both an art and a science.

John Schantz

What is the Maker Movement and Why is it Important in Schools?

The Schantz MakerSpace was created for people who share the joy of making things, have a desire to learn or improve their skills, and wish to see the knowledge of craftsmanship survive into the future. In just their first year as a non-profit organization, they offered 20 workshops, serving more than 250 students who built over 100 3-D Printers, 30 computerized light displays and 20 CNC Routers. Schantz has served four different school districts, bringing programs into the schools to teach the next generation of makers, and will expand to include more schools next year. John Schantz will give an overview of what the maker movement is and the importance it plays in the schools.