Online Learning

I want to start learning, where do I begin?

STEP 1: Login to Daymap, go to your class/lesson. Your learning starts here!

STEP 2: Get the join code for Teams through your class lesson. Use (Class Meet Up - Using Teams guide below) to access Teams

A Quick Guide

Online Learning

This booklet has been put together as a general guide for accessing online learning at Woodville High School. Some teachers may have other platforms they like to use, which they will inform you about.

Class Meet Up - Using Teams

Video Call

Microsoft Teams is a platform for video conferencing. School staff will use it to teach students and record lessons. To access a real-time video conference, your teachers will post a Join code into Daymap.

I'm new to Woodville High

Daymap How-To

Our students have access to a number of online programs that will enable them to receive lesson instructions, tasks and teacher support.

Contact Teacher


Have a question for your child's teacher. Click here to get their contact Email address.

For Staff

Video conferencing will be used to complement other online learning, teaching, resources and supports.

Contact IT Support

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Year Level Manager

Got a question, want to dive a bit deeper on a problem. Contact us here.