W ood End Primary Newsletter

22nd September 2023

Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com               

Your weekly round up of events in school and what's coming up  

New to School  - Nursery and Reception

Joining school for the first time is an exciting time for parents and children, here are some tips which can help ease them into school.
  Make sure your child is confident in:

* Going to the toilet on their own, can wipe their bottom, flush and wash their hands
* Using a spoon, knife and fork
* Carrying a tray
* Taking their shoes off and on
* Tidy up their toys and books
* Know their full name

How parents can help:

* Make sure they get plenty of sleep the night before school. 
* Bring your child to school on time so that they do not have to walk into a class in the middle of a lesson .
* Label every school uniform item, (we have preloved uniform for sale in school).
* Leave decisively, your child will miss you but they will soon get distracted and settle in class after your gone.
* Make a note of important school dates on your phone.

Walking home

For children that have permission to leave school at 3.30pm, as the nights draw in children who have afterschool clubs and finish later must be collected by an adult. Children also cannot leave school during the day on their own to attend appointments.

Breakfast club and afterschool club

We offer a breakfast club and afterschool club everyday and there are lots of activities for children. Please book in advance so that we can have the right number of staff available. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if the session is cancelled by you on the day. Refunds can only be given if bookings are cancelled 24 hours before.

Willow and Beech Class 

Reception has been settling well into school life, we have been making our own portraits and talking about ourselves and the people we love, to get to know each other as part of our 'This is me!' topic. They have even drawn and painted their own portraits.

This week I introduced The Space to children in assemblies. We learned about our amazing brains and how, when we get flooded with big feelings like anger or fear we ‘Flip Our Lids’. We learned strategies to help bring our ‘thinking brains’ back online which include things like taking deep breaths, doing some colouring, listening to music, and talking to someone we trust. You can watch the videos we watched here with your child and practice these strategies, and find others that work for you and for your children, when you and they ‘flip your lids’. 

https://youtu.be/Kx7PCzg0CGE?si=yDjRQh8iR1Ez3SXw for KS2 children and https://youtu.be/H_dxnYhdyuY?si=IPkhS8Vl1dM86cjY for KS1 children.  Also a reminder that I am holding a Parent Coffee Morning 9am next Thursday 28th September please come along to say Hi and find out more about how I can support you, your child and your family.

Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Helen for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9-10am. You can call/text Helen on 07429 654584 or email her at helen@schoolscounsellingpartnership.co.uk

Design work 

Enoch in Year 4 has been very creative this summer and designed a new structure for the Serpentine Pavilion. 

The design was then submitted to the Prime Minister's office to which he received a reply. 

Well done Enoch!  Keep on designing!

Get on your bike - Cycle to school week

It is Climate Action Week and local people can do their bit to make a difference by ditching the car and getting on their bikes to get from A to B.And if you feel like you want to do more cycling but need a confidence boost or help getting your bike road worthy, then Ealing Council’s Dr Bike sessions may be perfect for you.

The service offers basic cycle maintenance and handy tips, with trained mechanics on-hand to carry out minor repairs on the spot and give advice on looking after a bike to keep you riding all year round.

Dr Bike is taking place at the below times and locations in the coming months:

Dr Bike is free and designed as a drop-in session with no need to book. However, if you would like to guarantee a slot for the Southall Manor House and Southall Square sessions, please email Lets Go Southall at activity@accteams.uk. 

Music lessons 


BRASS tuition will be re-starting next week.  This tuition is open to pupils in Years 3 to 6. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to start instrumental music lessons. In the past many children have expressed an interest in learning to play an instrument. The current cost of tuition, which compares favourably with the cost of private lessons, is £50.00 (per term) payable online via Parent Mail. Those pupils who currently take Brass lessons and wish to continue, please log into Parent Mail and pay for this term. Brass instruments will be provided to pupils on hire and may consist of a Trumpet/Tenor/Horn/Euphonium.  The music teacher will assess all pupils initially and see which instrument they are most suited to.  Lessons usually take place in the afternoon on Thursdays.  Pupils MUST remember to bring their instrument to school on tuition days. If you would like your child to take up this opportunity, please complete payment online via pmx.parentmail.co.uk. Payment must be made before lessons can commence. Please note that Brass Club will begin on Thursday 21st September until Thursday 30th November 2023

Coming up soon 

Coffee Morning - Wednesday 27th September 2023 at 9am All welcome.
Parent Workshop- Phonics and Spelling -  Wednesday 27th September 2023 at 2.15pm, (for Nursery , Reception and years 1 and 2 parents)
Parent Workshop- Ealing Counselling Service (The Space) - Thursday 28th September 2023 at 9am

Calendar of Events

Our new School Parent and Carer  Calendar of events to keep you updated. We will do our best to inform parents and carers well in advance of any changes.

If you are interested in the Speech and Language workshop please email psmith@woodendprimaryschool.com in the first instance

SALT 17-10-23 .pdf
Mainstream toothbrushing.pdf