Wood End Primary Newsletter

31st March 2023

Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com                                                              

The spring term has gone by in a flash. It has been a wonderful term with once again a great deal going on. This will continue in the next term, so please look out for our events which will be coming out soon. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Easter Craft afternoons, thank you! I would like to thank Ms Nandra and Mrs Francis for all the hard work they put in preparing for this event.

We are looking forward to having Mrs Smith and Mr Greeves return to school after the Easter break, who both have recovered. I would like to thank all the staff for their support during this time, in particular Mrs Karim-Samad and Mrs Morton.

We would like to congratulate Mrs Morton and Mrs O'Leary who are pregnant and will be starting their maternity leave during the summer term. Mrs Smith will take on the SENCO role in Mrs Morton's absence and we welcome Ms Ostrowska, who will be teaching in Birch class for the remainder of the term. We currently have an advert out for the Year 1 maternity post.

Soon after the Easter break the building works on our KS2 site will commence, due to this Larwood Close will no longer be open for parents and carers at the start and end of the day.

Thank you for your continued support and I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday.

Mr Stainbank (Headteacher)

Your weekly round up of events in school and what's coming up  

Easter 2023 - In pictures 

This week children have been celebrating all things Easter - Well done to all who took part in hat making and joined in the Easter fun.

The Space

Holiday Survival Guide

Breaks from school can actually feel quite stressful for children, as their regular schedules and routines are disrupted. As we head into a longer holiday, here are some tips on how to minimise the tears and maximise the joy at home.

How can parents help?

As always with parenting, it is most important to look after yourself first. Make sure your own cup is full so you can stay calm. You can also let them know in advance what they will be doing over the holiday and remind them again every morning the plans for that day. Many children will also do better if you keep to some routine and schedule every day, to offer them some predictability. If you can, always include some outdoor or physical activity every day as it helps them to stay regulated.

Finally, remember to do less and connect more!
Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Helen for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays  9-10am. You can call/text Helen on 07429 654584 or email her at helen@schoolscounsellingpartnership.co.uk

School attendance competition 

At Wood End Primary School we believe that everyday counts in school. So to encourage excellent attendance we will be running a competition next term.  From 18th April to 28th April every child that attends school on time every day will have their name put into a raffle and 1 lucky winner will be picked from  each phase group ie: Key stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Early years.  The prize will be £10 Amazon Gift Card to spend online!  So set that alarm clock!

  CHECK YOUR PHONES - Our school number is 020 8422 6175
If you have the number on your phone ending 5182 please delete it.

Larwood Close

The Larwood Gate entrance to the school will be closed after the Easter Holidays, all children must access the school from the main entrance on Whitton Avenue West. 

School will re-open to children on Tuesday 18th April 2023

Have a wonderful Easter holiday!