Wood End Primary School Newsletter

Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com  

7th February 2025

Your weekly round up of events and what's coming up!

Purple Mash in Hazel class 

 Hazel class were having fun solving puzzles and learning on purplemash in school, combining computing and mathematics. if your child has a login please practice at home. 

Cooking club with Ms O'Leary 

 Reception children have been busy making cup cakes this week in their weekly class afterschool cooking club.
They had great fun measuring, mixing ingredients and eating tasty cakes.

Does your child give you instructions, order other children around, or exert other controlling behaviours? This may happen during times of transition (to or from school, when coming off their devices). This can be very hard to manage. It is often an attempt to have some control when they feel they have none. It could be due to lack of cause and effect thinking, being unable to visualise outcomes. It is helpful to view controlling behaviours as being fear based. So rather than thinking they are ‘too controlling’, think my child is thinking ‘I need to keep myself safe and I cannot rely on others to do so’.

Things that can help during

Tell your child ‘you are safe’.  Use wondering aloud to explore the controlling behaviours such as ‘I wonder if you are telling me which way to drive because you are worried I have forgotten the way?’  Don’t show doubt or hesitation, as this makes children feel unsafe and may increase their urge to take control.

Use empathic commentary to speculate on feelings around being in control. ‘I can see you are trying to be the boss today, I expect you are worried that no one else can sort this out apart from you. It must be exhausting to have that worry all the time!’

Things to help generally
Establish strong routines, that are predictable and under your control  Establish clear house rules such as the parent has the remote for the TV.  Use visible wall charts and calendars to show what is happening now and next. Use images if possible, rather than words.

Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Helen for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9-10am. You can call/text Helen on 07429 654584 or email her at


20p Bookmarks available in the school office. 

All monies go towards Schools Counselling

The School Council have a cake sale on Friday 14th February. The cake sale will raise money for the Schools Counselling Partnership. So please look out for their posters and show plenty of love and buy some cakes on Valentines day. 


READY - To ensure your child is ready for learning, please make sure they have the a sharp useable pencil, sharpener, eraser and glue stick. Pencils can be purchased from the school office for 20p.   

Weekly Attendance 

Every week the classes with the highest attendance for the previous week will receive a certificate that they proudly display in their classroom. This underpins the importance of coming to school everyday to the children and celebrates their class achievement. 

Week Beginning:    27th January 2025

Gold Award       - Poplar Class (99.6%)
Silver Award     - Sycamore Class (99.3%)
Bronze Award   - Oak Class (99.1%)

Dates for your diary - events Coming Up soon 

Change of moving dates:

1. Half term is 17th February -21st February,  Children return to school on Monday 24th February 2025.
2. Thursday 3rd April - Moving Day, children do not attend school 
3. Friday 4th April - Moving Day, children do not attend school  
4. Easter Holidays (7th April - 21st April)
5. Tuesday 22nd April - Training Day, children do not attend school  
6. Wednesday 23rd April - Moving Day (new), children do not attend school 

Calendar of Events

Scan the QR code or click HERE to view the SCHOOL CALENDAR. This is on our school website to keep you updated with our range of events at school. We will do our best to inform parents and carers well in advance of any changes.