Wood End Primary School Newsletter
Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com
Your weekly round up of events and what's coming up!
In keeping with our ethos of recycling and reducing waste, if you have any of the items below, please bring them into school next week as children will need them in the next few weeks to support their learning.
Nursery - Yogurt pots, egg boxes, cereal boxes and cardboard tubes (kitchen rolls inners)
paper envelopes.Playground - Silicone or plastic utensils, plastic or metal pots and bowls for our outside play kitchen
SAFE parking
Pick-up and drop-off times are busy times outside our school entrance. This can cause an increased safety risk to both children and parents. Parking restrictions outside schools are there to keep you and your children safe. Parking inconsiderately can put people in danger and you also risk being fined. It’s important that motorists follow the Highway Code.
Both yellow and white zigzags also show areas that must be kept clear so that children and other road users can see clearly when crossing the road.
PLEASE PARK SAFELY! There are plenty of unrestricted areas' along Whitton Avenue and around Oldfield Circus where you can park safely.
Do not park on the zig zag lines!
London Winter Walk
At the end of January we have a team of teachers, parents and children participating
in the London Winter Walk. The aim of the walk is to raise much needed funds for our counselling
service. As we are sure you are aware the mental health needs in this country have grown
exponentially since covid with waiting lists for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
around between 8-18 months. We are fortunate enough to have the Schools Counselling
Partnership who offer support to the whole school community which includes one to one therapy,
group work, classroom interventions, response to critical incidents and advice. Obviously, this
comes at a cost and school budgets are becoming more and more stretched.
Please, please, please help us to keep this service in school by donating whatever you can afford, just click the link below:
Questions to ask after school- instead of ‘What did you do today?’
Do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall at your child’s school? As a parent, sending your child to school can bring up all sorts of feelings. More than anything, you may be feeling curious: what did they do? How did they behave? How do they act when you are not there? And many of you may also have realised that asking your child ‘How was your day?” doesn’t always encourage them to share their experiences.
How can parents help?
Give them some time before asking them lots of questions at pick-up: they may be tired and need to reconnect with you first. Try to chat casually and to ask open-ended questions. If they aren’t ready to answer, just pause and come back to it later: perhaps as you are playing, eating together or during bath time. Here are a few examples of questions you can ask instead:
1. What was the funniest/silliest thing that happened today?
2. What games did you play in the playground?
3. Did anyone do anything super nice for you? What was the kindest thing you did for someone else?
4. How would you rate your day on a scale of 1-10?
5. What is something you would have liked to do differently today?
6. What made you smile today?
7. Which rule was the hardest to follow?
8. Did you make a new friend today? What’s their name? What do you like about them?
9. Is there anything you would like help with?
10. If you were a teacher/head of the school, what would your class/school be like?
Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to. If you would like to meet Helen for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9-10am. You can call/text Helen on 07429 654584 or email her at
Weekly Attendance
Every week the classes with the highest attendance for the previous week will receive a certificate that they proudly display in their classroom. This underpins the importance of coming to school everyday to the children and celebrates their achievement.
Week Beginning:
7th January 2025
Gold Award - Pine Class (96.7%)
Silver Award - Birch Class (93.8%)
Bronze Award - Willow Class (93%)
If your child has borrowed clothes from the welfare room please can you return the items to school, washed. Thank you.
If your children have outgrown their uniform, please feel free to drop it off with the office. We are particularly low on socks and tights.
Our preloved uniform is available to purchase in school for as little as £1.
CGP Study Books
Next week, we have a some CGP study books available to purchase at the school office for £3 each. Subjects cover maths, gammer, spelling and comprehension. Cash or payment via parentmail.
Year 4
Have been learning about all about Eastern European countries, and making posters as part of their geography lessons.
Year 1 Have been using recycled materials enjoying making wind socks.
After School Clubs
Clubs with space available include: Yoga, Fimo and Karate
You will be emailed further details if the club is for your child's age group, please book via parentmail.
For Football and Tennis clubs, please contact Elms direct on 0208 954 8787
Dates for your diary - events Coming Up soon
21st January - Coffee Morning with Mr Gohil (Inclusion Lead) at 9am
23rd January - Parent meeting re: SAT'S Assessment in Year 6 (9.15am or 3pm)
30th January - Birch Class Assembly (9am)
6th February - Ash Class Assembly (9am)
Calendar of Events
Scan the QR code or click HERE to view the SCHOOL CALENDAR. This is on our school website to keep you updated with our range of events at school. We will do our best to inform parents and carers well in advance of any changes.
Cake Sale
The School Council, which is made up from a child from each year group, have decided to have a cake sale on Friday 14th February. The cake sale will raise money for the Schools Counselling Partnership. So please look out for their posters and show plenty of love and buy some cakes on Valentines day.
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work!
Colin Powell