Wood End Primary Newsletter
10th January 2025
Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com
Your weekly round up of events in school and what's coming up
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting term ahead.
A quick reminder to all children: please ensure you are arriving at school on time, dressed smartly in the correct uniform. This is important to set a positive tone for the day and reflect the high standards we have at Wood End Primary.
To support our Behaviour Policy we have introduced our three core rules, which we expect everyone to follow at all times: Ready, Respectful, and Safe. These values link to our school values and our Learning Friends, which help guide us in becoming the best versions of ourselves both in and out of the classroom.
In regards to the building works, we are pleased to report that the new Year 6 classroom now has its roof and walls, with internal work currently underway. Additionally, the construction work on the Studio Hall and the four classrooms on the west side of the school is progressing well. All steel work has been completed, and we're excited to see the new spaces taking shape! We are hoping to move the kitchen across at half term.
As winter continues, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We want to keep everyone comfortable and safe, so please remember coats, scarves, and hats on colder days!
Our OPAL Friendly Fridays have been a great success, and we are thrilled to announce that we will soon be extending this initiative to other days of the week. We are still looking for items that the children can use during break and lunch, so if you have anything, please have a look through your cupboards and lofts. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!
We are also excited to welcome Ms Doherty to our Reception teaching team, as well as Mr Gohil, who will be leading our Inclusion (SEND) provision across the school. We are fortunate to have them both join us, and we look forward to the positive impact they will have on our school community.
We are always trying to improve our communication across the school. Please ensure you refer to our school website , as it contains a great deal of information about the school. We also have QR codes at the gate as you enter the school to direct you to relevant or important information.
Finally, a gentle reminder to ensure your child is in school every day. Regular attendance is key to giving them the best start in life and setting them up for success in the future.
We look forward to an exciting term ahead!
Kind regards,
Mr Stainbank
Coffee Morning
Mr Gohil, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator has joined us and will be holding his first Coffee Morning on 21st January at 9am. Please come along and meet Mr Gohil and learn about the SEND provision in our school, Mr Gohil can advise and help signpost you to further sources of support if you need them.
We have had our fair share of roadworks in around Greenford over the last year and traffic is a real challenge in the mornings. However coming to school on time and READY to learn is the best way to give your child the best start to their day in school. Walking into a classroom late can be embarrassing for a child and they miss valuable instructions at the start of the lesson. You may think 'My child was only a couple of minutes late. It seems harsh that he/she should get a late mark'. The school has to abide by the rules and expectations laid down for all schools by the local authority. Children who are late after registration closes may get an unauthorised absence mark for that morning (U).
Every minute at school counts and we don’t want any child to miss out.
London Winter Walk
At the end of January we have a team of staff participating in the London Winter Walk. The aim of the walk is to raise much needed funds for our counselling service. As we are sure you are aware the mental health needs in this country have grown exponentially since covid with waiting lists for Children's and Adolescent Mental Health Services around between 8-18 months. We are fortunate enough to have the Schools Counselling Partnership who offer support to the whole school community which includes one to one therapy, group work, classroom interventions, response to critical incidents and advice.
Obviously this comes at a cost and school budgets are becoming more and more stretched.
Please, please, please help us to keep this service in school by donating whatever you can afford, just click the link below:
We are still looking for toys and dressing up items for our children to build up our Opal Play play area. Please drop off to the school main reception if you have any Donations.
Money and Shopping
In School this week, Leo and Hanna from Year 2 are sorting out their pocket money for the new year. They have been learning practical Mathematics using money to add and subtract. A great way for children to learn how to shop and how money works. Don't forget at home you can encourage children to recognise the different coins and notes and help you shop.
Reception children were busy playing in their new post office station and learning social skills and that very important task of how to post a parcel.
Afterschool Teacher clubs start next week
Clubs include:
Yoga, French, Fimo, Dance, Cooking and Computing.
You will be emailed further details if the club is for your child's age group, please book via parentmail.
For Football and Tennis clubs
please contact Elms on 0208 954 8787
Coming up soon - Dates for your diary
Coming Up soon
14th January 2025 - Parent Workshop for Reception parents, help your child learn - 9am
Afterschool Teacher and Sports clubs start.
15th January 2024 - Poplar class start swimming lessons
21st January 2025 - Coffee Morning with Mr Gohil (SENCO) at 9am
23rd January 2025 - Parent meeting re: SAT'S Assessment in Year 6 - 9.15am or 3pm
28th January 2025 - Parent meeting re: Assessment in Reception - 9.15am or 3pm
Calendar of Events
Scan the QR code or click HERE to view the SCHOOL CALENDAR. This is on our school calendar to keep you updated with events at school. We will do our best to inform parents and carers well in advance of any changes.