Wood End Primary Newsletter

10th March 2023

Tel: 0208 422 6175
Email: admin@woodendprimaryschool.com                                                              

Your weekly round up of events in school and what's coming up next week 

World book day - In pictures 

Dressing up, extreme reading and Book swap

Wheres Wally?

Potatoes dress up   Children have been super creative with making characters out of a potato. Here is a selection from this years crop.

Thank you to all the parents/carers that help make World Book Day a success. The book swap was incredibly successful and lots of children went home with something new and exciting to read.  A few lucky children won a book for the extreme reading and potatoes competition and 5 children have won vouchers to spend at our Book Fair which will take place from Tuesday 21st March. 

Year 3 -Measuring

Chestnut class had a fun morning on Tuesday and went around the school during their maths lesson to measure different things in centimetres and metres using rulers, metre sticks and trundle wheels. The class recorded their results on white boards and shared them with their groups. 

Year 1 Phonics meeting

Tuesday 14th March 2023 Parents are invited to attend a Phonics Screening Meeting ahead of mock Phonics Screening week. Session will take place at 9am and 3pm in KS1 hall.

Parent consultations online

Tuesday 14th March 2023, 10 Minute online Parent Consultations will take place between 3.45 to 7pm. Please be ready at your allocated time.

STRIKE ACTION: Industrial action will take place on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023 - School will be closed for students

The Space 

Structure and routines at home

Children are faced with change and the unknown daily, which is a growth opportunity but also stressful. Like the rest of us, they handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar setting. Routines therefore give children a sense of security, and help them feel safe and develop self-discipline. They also help to remove power struggles and they allow to build in time to connect with your child. How can parents help?

When starting a new routine, only change one part of the day at a time. Evenings are a good place to start because they prepare you for an organised morning. Let your children know that the benefit of the routine is that they can get a little more time alone with you. Establish what your non-negotiables are (for example the time they each go to bed) and give them some choices, such as whether bedtime stories are together or separate. Make a poster with the schedule on it and hang it up on the fridge and in their bedrooms, to help them self-monitor how they are doing. This will develop independence skills. Routines take time to establish so stick to them every day for at least two months before they can turn into habits.

Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Helen for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays  9-10am. You can call/text Helen on 07429 654584 or email her at helen@schoolscounsellingpartnership.co.uk

Red Nose - Charity Event

Friday 17th March - Children can wear red to school and bring in a £1 for the Red Nose Charity.

Family afternoon card making

Friday 17th March 2023, Family members (dad's grandparents, auntie's etc) are invited to come in and make a card for Mothering Sunday. Please come to main reception between 2 and 3pm and Staff will take you to your child's classroom.

Book Fair week will start on Tuesday 21st March 2023. Come along and buy a book and help the school get free books for the library!

Food delivery

The school constantly gets food deliveries for the kitchen in the mornings and they may occasionally be left in our car park. This food is for the children ONLY and should not be taken by parents/carers.  Felix deliveries are on Thursday afternoons and are available for parents and carers.  

Henry Construction News