Mindfulness/Inner Explorer

Link to our School Wide Mindfulness Program - Inner Explorer: https://innerexplorer.org/

Daily Mindfulness Videos to start your day off right!

What it means to be mindful

Being mindful involves taking time to be stress free and in the present. Various activities, including meditation, are some ways to practice mindfulness. Some ways to express your feelings can be writing in a journal, talking with close friends and family, and taking 5-10 minutes to yourself everyday. It is proven that with a little bit of mindfulness everyday, it is easier to focus and concentrate on academics and present situations. The video on the left lists some examples of steps you can take to be mindful.

  1. Walking Meditation

  2. Mindful Driving

  3. Single-tasking

  4. Mindful eating

  5. Mindful Gardening

  6. Music appreciation

  7. Mindful movement