Inclusive Education

“Promoting a culture of inclusion requires schools to work collectively to examine their structures and processes and to address how they respond as an organization to the needs of students.” (Hewson,K., & Adrian, L., 2013, Establishing a Collaborative Response Model: Structures and Processes to Support Inclusion; The Special Educator; pg. 20-22.)

Supports provided by PSC Inclusive Learning Services are firmly founded on structures and processes necessary to respond to the needs of all students.

The pyramid of interventions, collaborative team meeting processes, and assessments are integral elements of PSC Inclusive Learning Services model at the school and district levels.

If your student requires additional supports please contact:

Mr. Cody Baird, Assistant Principal

Grade Advisor/Inclusive Services - Grades 10-12

Mr. Riley Quance, Assistant Principal

Grade Advisor / Inclusive Services - Grades 7-9