WULN Policies

Information for Network members

 Access and acknowledge Wodonga Urban Landcare Network policies


When organisational policies are renewed and distributed Wodonga Urban Landcare Network (WULN) may require acknowledgement by:

- Committee of Management members; 

- Group Coordinators (on behalf of their members) or all unincorporated group members;

- WULN staff;

to ensure the Network meets its risk management and insurance obligations.

Other policies, protocols and rules may be provided as information without requiring formal acknowledgement, and are applicable to all unincorporated groups, committee members, members and staff whether or not they are specifically acknowledged.

This page provides access to view WULN policies that are stored in the Network shared drive.
A log in is not required to view these documents when using the links below.

WULN policies, protocols & rules

All WULN policies, protocols and rules can be accessed on the Network shared drive by Group coordinators, Committee of Management members and staff. Google workspace requires a log in for this access.

Below are links to view all policies, protocols and rules without requiring authentication nor a particular account.

Policies that require acknowledgement

The following policies require acknowledgement by committee of management, unincorporated group coordinators and their group members.
You will receive a request by email to read the policies and complete the acknowledgement.

Each policy is linked below (click on the policy name to view the document).
To complete your acknowledgement of one or more policies, click the acknowledgement form button, which will take you to an online form.

When you have read these policies,
please complete the policies acknowledgement form
to confirm your acceptance.

For further information

Please contact WULN's office manager, email: admin@wodongalandcare.org.au with any questions about WULN policies or acknowledgement.