Français / ESPAÑOL

Wells High School

Madame Gross / Señora Gross

French I, II, IV/V / Spanish I


Bonjour !  Hola!

Welcome! My name is Ms. Katelyn Gross, and I teach French and Spanish at Wells High School. In French class we learn about French-speaking language and culture. In Spanish, we learn about Spanish-speaking language and culture.

French and Spanish are languages spoken all around the world by millions of people! They are beautiful languages useful for business, travel, education, and studying art or literature!

With Maine's proximity to Quebec and connection to French-Canadian history, I hope that studying French is especially meaningful to people in this region. With Spanish as a historical and current cultural language in the United States as a whole, I hope Spanish is also meaningful to learn.

French-speaking countries around the world:

Spanish-speaking countries around the world:

In language class, we learn

speaking, listening, writing, and reading

with different themes


there will be traditional written assessments and speaking assessments


Our classes will utilize Google Classroom from time to time.

I use Jupiter and/or email to communicate with students and parents.

Students are given a syllabus for each class with class expectations and a general overview of what we will do over the course of the school year.

About me

I moved to Maine a couple years ago. My family lives on a farm in Minnesota. I love languages, traveling, and animals. I live with my cat Button and dog Meeko. I studied abroad twice in Europe, and I taught English in Grenoble, France.