Welcome to the WMSD technology.

Here you will be able to find the information for tech support.

Tech support will only be provided for student with device issues such as ipad, chromebook, or hotspot issues.

If you would like to contact one of our technicians by email please email: support@wmsd.net

If you would like to contact one of our technicians by phone please call :

Monday -Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 870-732-8565

Monday -Thursday 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm 717-610-1438

09/01/2020 Kajeet Mobile Internet HotSpot limits, restrictions, and other options.

Parents and students. Please note the Kajeet Internet Hotspots have the following limits and restrictions:

Filtered Content: Hulu, Netflix, Facebook, and other media streaming and social media are blocked. Kajeet also filters student age inappropriate content.

The filters are defined for student use from the factory and are category based. What does that mean? Well, it means we have encountered some false positives on filtering and are working to customize the filters to our needs. In other words, some links used by SeeSaw, Lincoln Learning, Edmentum, etc. are being inadvertently blocked. WMSD can customize the filters, but we have to learn which adjustments to make. Please be patient. We will get through this. Remember, this level of online learning is new to all WMSD staff, students, and parents. IT will take a little time to get the kinks worked out. (See what I did there.... "I.T.". ;-)

Also note, that false positives on filtering can happen either way meaning there could be an inappropriate site that is inadvertently allowed. If you encounter this, please send an email to support@wmsd.net identifying the site that was not blocked on the Kajeet, Chromebook, or iPad. Each Chromebook and iPad has filtering enabled, as well.

Limits: As you know, mobile data is purchased by amount (Gigabytes) per month and can be pricey.
WMSD issued Kajeet Hotspots have data throttling built-in once a device exceeds its daily (1GB) or monthly (3GB) limit. This means once the data limit is exceeded the data speeds slow to a crawl making video streaming of any kind very poor. It may even seem like there is zero web connectivity if the data type your trying to access are images or video. Web text or email should continue to function okay, but photos and video will download very slowly.

We are working to increase these limits for only hotspots issued to a household with multiple students. It's going to take some time to reconcile our checkout inventory with the Kajeet configuration. Until then please contact support@wmsd.net to notify us of the multiple students in your household using one Kajeet hotspot. To adjust the data, support will require your Kajeet HotSpot's WMSD Asset Tag under the QR Code sticker on back of hotspot or the SKU or IMEI Number from the card insert on the Kajeet zipper Case. Please note, support will only adjust data for hotspots issued to multiple students.

Other Options to improve Internet Connectivity:

Option B

Did you know that you may be eligible for high-speed unlimited wireless Internet for all users in your home from Comcast for only $10/month! No restrictions and limits as required with the Kajeet Hotspots. Please visit the link below to get started with 5 times faster speed, no data limits, and no restrictions!

Not in Comcast service area? AT&T also has a similar offer. Check it out below.

Option C

West Memphis School District arguably has the fastest and most reliable Internet Connectivity in Eastern Arkansas. All Blended Learners (at school) have WiFi access anywhere on campus with unlimited data and vetted filter protection. Virtual Learning (at home) is a great option for some, but it has its challenges including Internet connectivity. We love and support all WMSD students regardless of Blended or Virtual selection. However, please understand we have much more experience, resources, and established infrastructure to meet the challenge of Internet connectivity with students on campus.

I just got my Chromebook, but how do I login?

ALL Student Accounts have been updated 08/24/2020 between 5pm and 10:15pm. All student passwords were updated to the same schema as shown below. Please note the following.

  • Students that logged in successfully prior to 10:15pm on 8/24/2020 with a (10) character password that followed the schema and did not change their password will be able to login tomorrow with no changes.

  • Students that were unable to login prior to 10:15pm on 8/24/2020 will use the (10) character schema password. All should work now. Please try again.

  • Students that logged in successfully with a (9) character password (aka single digit for MONTH in birthdate) or those who got in and changed their password will need to: 1) REMOVE USER, 2) ADD USER, then 3) login with the (10) character schema password. All three steps can be done on the login screen in seconds.

  • Other points to consider: The Chromebook MUST be connected to WiFi before any user can login. Click the WiFi Fan icon in the bottom right of screen to view networks. WMSD HotSpots will be listed as "KAJEET xxxx". Password is on the back of the KAJEET HotSpot.

Username and Password Schema for initial Chromebook login

If your student's schedule was active on 08/24/2020, you may use the schema below for initial login and setup of your student Google account. This is primarily needed for Chromebook users.

USERNAME: The username is the student's email address, which is their: studentID@wmsd.net
One's studentID can be found on their student schedule you receive from your campus or even last year's report card.

For example: If the student ID listed on your schedule is 1234567890, then the username/email is 1234567890@wmsd.net

PASSWORD: The initial password is the student's Uppercase First Name Initial, Lowercase Last Name Initial, 8 digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY).

For example: Elvis Presley's password would be Ep01081935

*Students may change their password after initial login

Coming Soon: support videos and presentations posted to www.wmsd.net/tech-support

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