Meet Ms. Gomez

Hi All!

My name is Ms. Gomez and I am so excited to be teaching 4th grade this year! We are going to have a lot of fun together learning about the California Missions, Colonial Days, and interesting Bible Facts.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles and have lived in the South Bay for over 17 years. I am blessed to have one daughter named Amber. She attended WLS from preschool through 8th grade. I am also blessed to have a “son-in-love” named Jordan. They are my biggest cheerleaders and inspiration to be the best teacher that I can be and to let my light shine.


I have a BA Degree from Concordia University.  I have been employed at WLCS for 25 years, and have taught 2nd grade for over 10 of those years, as well as taught as a substitute teacher in Pre-Kindergarten through Middle School.
