West Linn High School Robotics Hour of Code

Welcome to Hour of Code!

Welcome to this years Hour of Code! We, the West Linn High School robotics team and WLWV District staff, are so happy to have you here, and hope that you have fun and learn something while you're here. Due to our current situation we decided that this year would be more self led than years prior. This means that our use of the phrase "lesson plan" is a bit loose, because you get to choose how much you do in a day. We have used the curriculums from code.org to help guide students should they choose to follow the lessons. These lessons are for students of all grades, and skill levels. You can follow the curriculum we have planned for your school by clicking on the grade appropriate link, or you can visit "just an hour" and play with some of the activities we have for you. We recommend that you try to spend at least an hour a day coding this week, but you are welcome to do more!

All of use on the WLHS Robotics Team hope you have a really fun and educational Hour of Code week!!

There are a lot of games to play!

An introduction to Hour of Code

Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions about Hour of Code the West Linn High School robotics team would be more than happy to help! You can email us through our email:


Or you can check out our homepage using this link:




  • “Learn Today, Build a Brighter Tomorrow.” Code.org, code.org/.

  • “Computer Programming | Computing.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming.

Lesson Plans/ Games


  • “Learn Today, Build a Brighter Tomorrow.” Code.org, code.org/.