
Star of Bethlehem Blue
Star of Bethlehem White

3700 S. Casper Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151

Games are played in the school lower level-Room 11. Enter through the school entrance and down the stairs to your left.  Make a left down the stairs, a U-turn at the bottom, and then head down the hall and to the right. Note: it is always warm at Star. 

Centennial Blue
Centennial Gold

3545 S. 23rd St.
Milwaukee, WI 53221

Games are played in the school lower level. Enter through the school entrance and down the stairs at the end of the hall.

St. Paul's Franklin

6881 S. 51st St.
Franklin, WI 53132

Games are played in the church basement. Enter through the school doors and down the stairs to your right.

St. Lucas

648 E. Dover St.
Milwaukee, WI 53207

Games are played in school cafeteria. Enter through the school doors and turn left.