University Open Days

University HE Events and Open Days

It's a good idea to talk about your higher education options in person

Open Days for Visiting Course Providers

These are great chances to see where you'll be learning and where you could be living.

Heading to an open day helps you see if the place feels right. It also gives you a chance to get any answers you need before applying to study there.

Click here to find when open days are. They're well worth a visit!

But don't worry if you miss one — you can often arrange a visit on a different day, and many course providers make open day podcasts you can listen to.

Preparing for an Open Day 

Virtual Tours and Open Days

Not everyone can attend an open day or event in person, so we've provided a list of virtual tours and open days for course providers. You can then see the campus for yourself and find out more about the local area. 

Click here for full list of Virtual Tours

Click here for full list of upcoming Virtual Open Days