Academic Support

Contact your teacher

If you are struggling in class(es), it's always best to contact the teacher. He or she will have the best individualized insights and suggestions for you on how to improve. Sometimes it's difficult to have those conversations during the busy school day, so even an email to your teacher goes a long way. The Faculty Directory can be found here.


Westside NHS Tutors

We have some of the best in house tutors around through our National Honors Society.

If you are interested in a National Honor Society tutor, find a form to fill out in the counseling office or the library. There is a box to turn in the completed forms in both locations as well.

Purdue and Community tutors

TUTORS 2022.23.pdf

We have tutors that contact us each year from Purdue University and from the community.

Technology tips

Having issues logging into your Canvas, Skyward, or email accounts? Check out the Student Tech Portal.

New Student 1 Sheet.pdf

contact your student's school counselor

You can go to Contact Your School Counselor to discuss your concerns. ​